New posts in nginx

Configure external IP redirect inside the Nginx Ingress controller

apache/nginx html file size limit

Rewriting nginx for pushState-URL's

Running django and gunicorn on raspberry pi

My Magento only can load the first front page, and all the page are 404. Nginx server configuration issue

nginx php-fpm how to disable log warnings?

WebDav rename fails on an Apache mod_dav install behind NginX

Nginx fastcgi problems with django (double slashes in url?)

Multi-threaded alternative to tinyproxy? [closed]

Slow TTFB (60 Seconds) on Nginx reverse proxy with Angular

Ho do I conditionally remove a subset of try_files directives in Nginx?

What is the technology behind Hostname Based SSL (multiple ssl vhosts on single IP)?

django : Serving static files through nginx

How many Nginx processes should there be?

Is it possible to route requests to different applications via Content-Type?

NGINX proxy pass to separate port for route starting with /api

How to return 403 instead 500 response code after auth_request fails

Is this a hacking attempt? (CENTOS, NGINX log file)

How to fix "404 not found" error on nginx configuration

Nginx config as reverse proxy