New posts in nat

Bridging my laptop's wireless and wired adaptors

How do I assign a public IP to a machine behind a pfSense box using 1:1 NAT?

public ip resolves externally but not internally

Iptables forward all traffic to a specified port and IP address, to another device [duplicate]

want to Make software router having two nic cards using centos 6.4

How do I limit firewalld portforwarding to certain source addresses?

DNS Server Behind NAT

Allow GRE (IP protocol 47) over Linux router NAT for a subnet

Iptables udp port forwarding [duplicate]

AWS VPC routing table with both Internet Gateway and NAT Gateway

Linux iptables NAT of an entire /24 subnetwork

Need to duplicate UDP packets to multiple destinations via iptables

Connecting to VirtualBox guest (ubuntu) from host (osx) via NAT?

pfense needs to be rebooted to effect a change in existing NAT

What's the difference between DHCP and NAT? Are they mutually exclusive?

Virtual pfSense Appliance on VMWare Host

can I use DNS with private NAT addresses?

why MASQUERADE SNAT can block localhost connection?

Windows Server 2008 R2 drops packets

How to route requests through router based on domain names?