New posts in modal-verbs

"I thought you had left us" vs "I thought you would have left us"

Is this imperative sentence wrong: "Make sure you wouldn't use the stairs"?

Is " have to" a modal verb?

Use of "would" when describing habits in present

Use of 'Could' in the Past Tense

could versus be able

Father was used to carrying luggage anyway. Is 'used to' used as helping verb?

Could - was able to [closed]

Is It Correct to Say ‘Need I Not’?

Can or could, which is correct, or at least better? Why? [duplicate]

Are modal verbs and auxiliary verbs actually verbs?

Water can/may still get in

Modal words and enumeration

"Will" vs "Would" in the sentence [closed]

Modal "will can" [closed]

What is the structure of “might did”?

'Expect' followed by S + will + V?

Modal verbs and Past Perfect

must vs have to: British usage and academic rules

Present participle clause with modal verbs