New posts in minecraft-data-packs

(Java Minecraft 1.14) How to set the probability of nested entries in a loot table?

(Java Minecraft 1.14) How to give effects in a function rewarded by an advancement?

How can I alter a player's helmet data? (Such as attributes) [duplicate]

Sub-tick loops in functions without recursions

How do I make a loot table in Minecraft give one of several items?

How can I get a list of every item with a unique ID in Minecraft 1.14.4?

Minecraft: question about loot tables

How do i run a minecraft datapack function when a player has a specific item in their inventory? (minecraft 1.15)

Minecraft datapack with a void dimension?

How can I have an entity loot table that is determined by location?

Custom Advancements and Functions 1.13.2

Multiple loot tables in one datapack

A few general questions about datapacks [closed]

Minecraft Datapack drop X blocks instead of One when Destroying any block

Is there a way to change what occurs when a specific block is broken?

how to run random command through datapack?

How to protect a player from firework rocket explosion damage?

How to check for something every tick, but only run a command one time when the condition is met?

Make part of a writable book read only

List of all Minecraft crafting recipes for crafting web