New posts in measure-theory

(complex measures) $d\nu=d\lambda +f\,dm \Rightarrow d|\nu|=d|\lambda| +|f|\,dm$ and $f\in L^1(\nu)\Rightarrow f\in L^1(|\nu|)$

Application of Dominated Convergence Theorem?

Prove sum of functions is $L^2$

Is there a distribution over all distributions in [0,1]?

Difference between a measure and a premeasure

If X and Y are equal almost surely, then they have the same distribution, but the reverse direction is not correct

showing that $g=0$ almost everywhere on $[0,1]$

Set of discontinuous points

Convergence of measurable functions by two conditions

Is projection of a measurable subset in product $\sigma$-algebra onto a component space measurable?

The graph of a measurable function

Prove this function is $\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ measurable

Norm of Fredholm integral operator equals norm of its kernel?

$L^p$-space inclusions

How much we can extend meaurable sets?

General property regarding outer measure for a nested sequence of sets (measurable or not).

Building intuition for Riemann-Stieltjes integral

How to show that $L^p$ spaces are nested?

Finding the outer measure of the x-axis in $\mathbb{R}^2$

Show that $\{\cup_{n\in K} (n, n+1]: K \subset \mathbb{Z}\}$ is a $\sigma$-algebra on $\mathbb{R}$