New posts in maxima-minima

Maximum of $ F(f)=\int_0^1 |f(x)|^2\; dx-\left(\int_0^1 f(x)\; dx\right)^2 $ over a subset of continuous functions on $[0,1]$

Find the maximum and minimum radii vectors of section of the surface $(x^2+y^2+z^2)^2=a^2x^2+b^2y^2+c^2z^2$ by the plane $lx+my+nz=0$

Density of set of zeroes

What's the trick to finding the minimum/maximum values of problems like $f(x) = |x + 1| - |x - 2| + |2x + 1|$

Minimum point of $x^2+y^2$ given that $x+y=10$

Proving $x+\sin x-2\ln{(1+x)}\geqslant0$

What are the minimum and maximum of $f(x) = x^6 - 5x^4 + 5x^2 - 1$?

Minimum value of $ f(x,y,z)=\left(x+\frac{1}{y}\right)^2+\left(y+\frac{1}{z}\right)^2+\left(z+\frac{1}{x}\right)^2. $ [duplicate]

Extrema of a piecewise sinusoidal function

Does $f$ have a critical point if $f(x, y) \to +\infty$ on all horizontal lines and $f(x, y) \to -\infty$ on all vertical lines?

Linear programming with min of max function

How find this maximum of the value $\sum_{i=1}^{6}x_{i}x_{i+1}x_{i+2}x_{i+3}$?

maximum area of a rectangle inscribed in a semi - circle with radius r.

Maximize a function involving binary entropy

Maximum of $x^3+y^3+z^3$ with $x+y+z=3$

How $b>a \lor a \leq 0 \implies \max⁡(b,0)-\max⁡(\min⁡(a,b),0) \geq 0$?

Maximize function on orthogonal matrices

Prove that minimum of $\lambda \sin \theta + (1 - \lambda) \cos \theta \le -\frac1{\sqrt 2}$

Find the maximum and minimum values of this function.

Optimising the given function