New posts in mathematical-modeling

Fitting a ballistic trajectory to noisy data where both spacial and temporal domains observations are noisy

Random walk on a cube

What is Nassim Taleb's criticism of 538's election model?

When modelling a real world event by assuming it has probability p, what are we saying/assuming about how that event behaves?

How does Elo rating scale with games played?

Chance versus Skill

Why is there a unique solution to the frog puzzle?

Random points on a circle

Remodelling random points on a circle: Arc length between points distributed on circle is uniform?

relationship between doubling time and growth rate

What fraction of the fund should one bet?

Geometrical construction for Snell's law?

Coronavirus growth rate and its (possibly spurious) resemblance to the vapor pressure model

Is there a simple-ish function for modeling seasonal changes to day/night duration and height of the sun?

What are the best books to study Neural Networks from a purely mathematical perspective?

More random points on a circle

Why does adding a term $5f'(t)$ to $5f''(t)+10f(t)=0$ cause damping?

Cat Dog problem using integration

The rate of change of a certain population is proportional to the square root of its size. Model this situation with a differential equation.

How to create new mathematics? [closed]