New posts in lombok

Maven Scope for Lombok (Compile vs. Provided)

IntelliJ IDEA cannot see Lombok generated code [duplicate]

Lombok problems with Eclipse Oxygen

Is it possible to add qualifiers in @RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))?

Lombok how to customise getter for Boolean object field?

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class lombok.javac.apt.LombokProcessor cannot access class [duplicate]

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: when using lombok

Default value in lombok. How to init default with both constructor and builder

Java SneakyThrow of exceptions, type erasure

Kotlin doesn't see Java Lombok accessors?

Inheritance with lombok annotation get errors

Required arguments with a Lombok @Builder

Lombok @Builder and JPA Default constructor

How to exclude property from Lombok builder?

IntelliJ Gradle: Missing Constructors, Methods, etc. when Assembling [duplicate]

Cannot make Project Lombok work on Eclipse

Can't make Jackson and Lombok work together

Java Lombok: Omitting one field in @AllArgsConstructor?

Warning equals/hashCode on @Data annotation lombok with inheritance

MapStruct and Lombok not working together