New posts in logrotate

logrotate won't rotate my logs automatically

What schedules logrotate?

How can I rotate many log files into a different subdirectory per rotation?

logrotate does not compress /var/log/messages

What is the default configuration for logrotate.conf in Ubuntu?

How to prevent logs from getting too big?

manually rotating logfile with rsyslogd

Logrotate does not remove old logs

logrotate by size - do I need to change the cron?

MySQL doesn't logs error to new file after rotating?

Why is logrotate causing Apache to seg fault each time?

How to specify exceptions from wildcard settings in a logrotate configuration file?

When & how does logrotate run under Ubuntu 10.04?

Logrotate: how to access the output file in postrotate

Delete files with logrotate

Mongodb - proper way to rotate logs

Linux: How to enforce specific permissions on newly created logs which are created by log rotate?

Specify the time of daily log rotate

Logrotate: Rotating non-log files?

How to continue redirecting stdout to a file after logrotate moves it?