New posts in loanwords

How should foreign words (with foreign characters) be written in English text?

Not "schadenfreude", but related?

How is the word "qua" used?

How do you decline nouns borrowed from languages with several categories for declining nouns (or none at all)?

Why do cer­tain con­so­nant clus­ters oc­cur only at the start of a syl­la­ble but oth­ers only at the end?

Where did 'cahoot" come from, when did it first appear, and how did it acquire its pejorative sense?

Button up that frog, will you?

How do you spell Muammar Qaddafi?

Why is the "a" in "cocoa" silent?

Should foreign words used in English be inflected for gender, number, and case according to the conventions of their source language?

What does “bupke” mean?

fait accompli – to italicize, or not to italicize

Does the casual use of "a la ___" in English preserve the French meaning?

Pronunciation of "cache"

Where on Earth is "penguin" from?

Will the word 'schadenfreude' be understood in an English text?

From which language has English borrowed the most words?

Why is the word 'bologna' pronounced like 'baloney'?

Is it common to use the borrowed noun-adjective form for borrowed French phrases?

Usage of diacritics in loanwords