New posts in load-balancing

Load balancer or proxy to route traffic to different servers based on their URL

GlusterFS vs Ceph, which is better for production use for the moment? [closed]

Does AWS Load balancer prevent DDos effectively?

Outlook fails to connect to a load-balanced Exchange 2013 cluster through Direct Access 2012 R2

EC2 Update my existing AMI

nginx failover without load balancing

How to allow elastic load balancer through port 80 in security groups?

Issues with EC2 Elastic Load Balancer DNS and routing

When using TCP load balancing with HAProxy, does all outbound traffic flow through the LB?

What hardware do I need to add a backup internet connection?

Widely-used load balancing solutions?

Is that possible to encrypt the traffic which is between internal webservers by using Load Balancer [closed]

load balancing multiple gateway using route and iptables

Kubernetes service external ip pending

LVS vs HAProxy, which should I choose?

Set max_fails and fail_timeout for all servers in upstream in nginx

Possible to redirect from HTTPS to HTTP behind load-balancer?

nginx: [emerg] "stream" directive is not allowed here

Practical Anycast

HAProxy returns error if server goes down before health check has occured