New posts in literature

What is the etymology of "…kick ass and take names"?

Tolkien and archaic English [closed]

Sam Weller in The Pickwick Papers: What accent is Dickens portraying?

The "F-word" in N-gram Viewer

Why is the verb "Pilot" capitalized in Robinson Crusoe?

What does Maugham mean by "his spaghetti were"? [duplicate]

What does "FRANCE TO PLACE" mean?

What do we call 'Shakespearean trash-talk'?

What word is the opposite of "plagiarism", trying to pass off your own work as that of others?

What's an early modern English excalmation roughly meaning "raise the roof!"?

Is there a pessimistic counterpart to the term "Pollyanna"?

What does "stick-at-naught" mean?

Is the phrase "yellow card" slang for a female body part?

What great writers have used coordinating conjunctions at the start of sentences?

What's the grammar used in "just what quarter he did not now remember" from the book 1984?

A sentence from <the box tunnel> [closed]

Charles Dickens' "for good and for evil" and "superlative degree of comparison"

What words are commonly mispronounced by literate people who read them before they heard them?

I like her too ill to attempt it