New posts in linear-algebra

Tensor products over field do not commute with inverse limits?

The transpose of a linear injection is surjective.

How to show that the rotation map $f$ is not a gradient of a convex function?

degree of nilpotent matrix

is it true every left inverse of a matrix is also right inverse of it?

If $\ker f\subset \ker g$ where $f,g $ are non-zero linear functionals then show that $f=cg$ for some $c\in F$.

On the generators of the Modular Group

Nonsingularity of Euclidean distance matrix

Is there a formula for the determinant of the wedge product of two matrices?

About the square of orthogonal matrices [closed]

Is every invertible matrix a change of basis matrix?

Compute the determinant of order n + 1 (n ≥ 2)

The essence of Gaussian elimination

For which sets of parameters will this system of equations have no solution?

How to determine if a point lies on the same side of the plane that origin does?

Characteristic polynomial of the matrix with zeros on the diagonal and ones elsewhere

Why is the optimal solution to $ \min\limits_{S \in \mathbb S^{n}_{+}} -\log(\det(S))+\text{trace}(\Sigma S)$ equal to $\Sigma^{-1}$

If $A$ is a $n\times n$ matrix that satisfies $A^2=A$, then prove that $\operatorname{rank}(A)+\operatorname{rank}(I-A)=n$ [closed]

Dimension of R over Q without cardinality argument. [duplicate]

Why can a matrix without a full rank not be invertible?