New posts in lie-groups

What is the dimension of $M/G$ if it is a manifold?

Redundance of the Smoothness of the Inversion Map in the Definition of a Lie Group.

A special parallelization of $S^3$

set of almost complex structures on $\mathbb R^4$ as two disjoint spheres

Is there a group between $SO(2,\mathbb{R})$ and $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$?

Characterization of differentiability via Lie derivatives

Relationship between real Lie groups/algebras, complex Lie groups/algebras and complexification

Non-isomorphic Group Structures on a Topological Group

Lie algebra $\implies$ Lie group?

On 'backslash-forward slash' notation

How could a group be a manifold?

Why does the universal cover of $SL_{2}(\mathbb{R})$ have no finite-dimensional representations?

Metric induced on linear group orbit is Riemannian homogeneous

The last accidental spin groups

Complex algebraic group is reductive $\iff$ it is the complexification of a compact Lie group?

When are finite-index subgroups of a Lie group closed?

The description of abelian Lie groups

Proof: Tangent space of the general linear group is the set of all squared matrices

Disconnected closed subgroups of $SO(n)$

Is the center of the universal enveloping algebra generated by the center of the lie algebra?