New posts in lie-groups

Right-invariance of a volume form on a compact Lie group

Orientation of left and right translations on a Lie Group

Relations between center (fundamental group) and (co)root and weight lattices for Lie groups

Differential of the multiplication and inverse maps on a Lie group

Homotopy groups U(N) and SU(N): $\pi_m(U(N))=\pi_m(SU(N))$

Description of SU(1, 1)

Is every transitive action conformal?

Quaternion–Spinor relationship?

What are applications of Lie groups/algebras in mathematics?

Can you give me an example of topological group which is not a Lie group.

deformation retract of $GL_n^{+}(\mathbb{R})$

How do you find the Lie algebra of a Lie group (in practice)?

Is there a (deep) relationship between these various applications of the exponential function?

Is there a non-matrix Lie group?

Best book to study Lie group theory

Precise connection between complexification of $\mathfrak{su}(2)$, $\mathfrak{so}(1,3)$ and $\mathfrak{sl}(2, \mathbb{C})$

Do local flows of left-invariant vector fields satisfy $\Phi_X^t\circ L_x=L_x\circ \Phi_X^t$?

Fake Proof for Dimension of $SO(n)$ (rotations)?

Prove that the commutator is a Lie bracket in $\mathrm{Lie}(G)$

For real Lie algebras, is any invariant bilinear form a scalar multiple of the Killing form?