New posts in license

Can I legally use Ubuntu Server to create a commercial web application on Amazon EC2?

How do I manage the link between a Windows 10 license and a Microsoft account?

If I've signed the Canonical Contributors agreement, do I have to sign the new Harmony Agreement?

Under what license can I use /usr/share/dict/words?

Can I buy a Windows 11 installation disc or usb with key?

Can I use Apple's San Francisco font (and other fonts) in my own text editor? [duplicate]

How can I change the license key on Windows-8

Where does OS X store my Adobe product keys?

Can I run virtual windows with my OEM license?

accepting Xcode license without having whole Xcode

Update to macOS 10.12, but still keeping 10.11 in an external HD

After upgrading Snow Leopard to Lion, can I reinstall the original Snow Leopard to a virtual machine?

Why isn't a license shown when installing (and when installing most software)?

On how many device can install a single user license of Visual Studio 2012?

Is it legal to use Ubuntu name for my cybercafé? [duplicate]

License concerns for Ubuntu/Linux and a prospective business

If I buy the Windows 8 Pro upgrade, can I do multiple fresh installs?

Is it legal to distribute customized Ubuntu? [duplicate]

How can I upgrade from Vista 32-bit to Vista 64-bit?

How can I unbind Windows 10 license from my computer?