New posts in kubuntu

How do I install AppImageLauncher in ubuntu 21.04?

Errors encountered when installing kubuntu on 15.04

Abnormal behavior with iwlwifi driver: the device is shown as not working

How do I solve "cp: cannot stat '/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf': No such file or directory"?

No GUI after Kubuntu 18.04 LTS upgrade from 17.10

Scanner of Epson ET-2750 doesn't work - "sane_start: Invalid argument" - Kubuntu 20.04

KWin: Toggle grayscale KDE destop effect with script

Why isn't Hibernate in Ubuntu 16.04 working and how to fix it?

Viber appears huge - Kubuntu 16.04

Bumblebee Intel+Nvidia on 15.10 blackscreen issue

Extremely slow Kubuntu Boot (18.04 LTS)

conky transparent

Is there an Ubuntu One client for Kubuntu?

Flickering in KDE Plasma 5.4

Why is Kubuntu using much more CPU than Windows in YouTube and other web browsing use?

How do I install/upgrade to KDE 4.9?

Wifi not working on Realtek rtl8723be wifi adapter

How to remove the Ubuntu Gnome desktop after making the switch to KDE?

Will I have problems installing multiple desktop environments?

Kubuntu 16.04 Driver Manager broken