New posts in kubuntu

Why is plasmashell using 100% cpu?

HEIF/HEIC support in Kubuntu 21.04

Latte dock on Kubuntu does not auto started any more

How to connect and create a database in MySQL?

How to Disable KDE Wallet and have "remember password" working

How to format/partition SD card?

Touchpad of Lenovo Ideapad S145-15IIL not detected in 18.04 and 19.10, Ubuntu and Kubuntu

Will Kubuntu 12.04 run on 256 MB Ram?

Trying different flavors of Ubuntu from a USB drive [duplicate]

What is the thing in KDE that override my locale settings

What are the differences between Lubuntu, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu? [duplicate]

How can I set a launcher to start an application in a specific desktop

Unable to locate package kubuntu-plasma5-desktop on 14.04

How to disable the popping sound when changing the volume in KDE/Kubuntu?

What are the advantages of official flavours of Ubuntu [closed]

How do I install support for Unicode emoji in Chromium?

What can I do to make my system more tolerant of power cuts?

How to install Cordova correctly?

why nautilus will open automatically when kde loads?

Touchpad not detected on Lenovo Ideapad 320 with Kubuntu 17.04