New posts in kotlin

Updating a preference summary in Android when the user sets it

How does string interpolation work in Kotlin?

Why is possible to write a function outside a class in Kotlin?

How to convert intArray to ArrayList<Int> in Kotlin?

How are Android activities handled with Jetpack Compose and Compose Navigation?

How to create a JSONObject from String in Kotlin?

Updated to Android Studio 3.0. Getting a "Kotlin not configured" error

How to add firebase database rules without authentication?

Type Android Junit4 not present exception

How to remove first char in kotlin string

FirebaseMessaging.getInstance(firebaseApp) for secondary app supposed to be public but it's private?

Operator == cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int' in Kotlin

AsyncTask in Android with Kotlin

Kotlin Singleton Application Class

Kotlin Coroutines: Channel vs Flow

does Any == Object

How to use Kotlin with Proguard

Array/List iteration without extra object allocations

Difference between Delegates.notNull and lateinit Kotlin

error: supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. Please make sure you have the required dependencies in the classpath