New posts in jvm

What are the circumstances under which a finally {} block will NOT execute?

Scala on iOS using Avian

Can Java class files use reserved keywords as names?

Where does the JVM store primitive variables?

Why does the JVM require warmup?

Support for Compressed Strings being Dropped in HotSpot JVM?

Is it necessary to reboot computer after changes in system variables?

Is there a low-level difference between int[large][small] or int[small][large] in Java?

Profiling a running Java application in command line

Java Memory explained (SUN JVM)

What is a stack map frame

Jmap can't connect to make a dump

How does Java (JVM) allocate stack for each thread

What option is for?

What is the default maximum heap size for Sun's JVM from Java SE 6?

cannot start jstatd due to permission error

Why is the JVM slow to start?

Preloading java classes/libraries at jar startup?

How exactly does java compilation take place?

How do I properly set the permgen size?