New posts in ios7

IOS7 Status bar hide/show on select controllers

VectorKit crash reports with MKMapSnapshotter on iOS

Restore pre-iOS7 UINavigationController pushViewController animation

UITableView separator line disappears when selecting cells in iOS7

How to change status bar style during launch on iOS 7

Cursor not displaying in UISearchBar for our app

Launch screens supporting iOS6 and iOS7 - forced to splash screen

Snapshot of MKMapView in iOS7

Autocomplete requires you to click twice in iOS after update to 1.11.0

didReceiveRemoteNotification: fetchCompletionHandler: open from icon vs push notification

Moving status bar in iOS 7

UITextView in iOS7 clips the last line of text string

Is there a public way to force MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to show podcast controls?

iOS Buttons - add border

iOS 7 : Disable UINavigationBar Translucency For Entire App

Default Sharing in iOS 7

Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key "CFBundleIconFile": Icon.png

Content falls beneath navigation bar when embedded in custom container view controller.

Show/hide UIToolbar, "match finger movement", precisely as in for example iOS7 Safari

General tab missing