New posts in ios4

How do you enable ARC project-wide in Xcode 4.2

Mix video with static image in CALayer using AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool

How to change the UISwitch default color(blue)

didReceiveRemoteNotification when in background

Add/Delete UITableViewCell with animation?

How will I be able to remove [NSNull Null] objects from NSMutableArray?

GPS coordinates in degrees to calculate distances

Bootstrap Server Error in Xcode IPHONE [duplicate]

AVURLAsset refuses to load video

iOS 5.0.1 : How to verify that the folder is marked as "Do not back up" for iCloud?

How do I repeat a AVAudioPlayer?

How to use reachability class to detect valid internet connection?

Issue with iphone sdk 4.2.1

ApplicationWillTerminate in iOS 4.0

How can I find out if the iPhone user currently has a passcode set and encryption enabled?

iPhone Read UIimage (frames) from video with AVFoundation

UISlider with ProgressView combined

How to get keyboard with Next, Previous and Done Button?

iOS: How do I know if a property is KVO-compliant?

AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer doesn't fill up whole iPhone 4S Screen