New posts in insert

Escaping single quote in PHP when inserting into MySQL [duplicate]

insert vs emplace vs operator[] in c++ map

Export specific rows from a PostgreSQL table as INSERT SQL script

Python pandas insert list into a cell

How do I use an INSERT statement's OUTPUT clause to get the identity value?

SQL Server: Is it possible to insert into two tables at the same time?

How to copy a row and insert in same table with a autoincrement field in MySQL?



MySQL Conditional Insert

Get the new record primary key ID from MySQL insert query?

How to set initial value and auto increment in MySQL?

Android SQLite database: slow insertion

PostgreSQL function for last inserted ID

SELECT INTO a table variable in T-SQL

Exporting data In SQL Server as INSERT INTO

How to insert multiple rows from array using CodeIgniter framework?

Insert new item in array on any position in PHP

Insert multiple rows WITHOUT repeating the "INSERT INTO ..." part of the statement?

PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query