New posts in imovie

Is it possible to record iMovie voice over with AirPods?

Cut out parts from videos

Fit 2 video clips in iMovie side by side without cropping

iphoto versus imovie - wanting to get features from both places

How to get back iMovie version compatible with macOS 10.14?

How to join split clips back in iMovie?

iMovie crashes on startup

Why does a video file get bigger after editing it with iMovie?

Is it possible to download/acquire iMovie 10.1.6?

How to get iMovie, iPhoto & garage band back after rebuilding system?

Processing videos through iMovie increases file size by 70x

Audio missing in iMovie when importing screen recorded video

Change all photo durations at once in iMovie 10.1.1

How can I change the length of photos in iMovie '13?

How to preserve portrait mode of iPhone recording in iMovie and Final Cut Pro?

How to make DVD from iMovie

imovie. Adding a static image without the gentle zooming effect

iMovie: Crop and letterbox (ignore aspect ratio)

Accessing events on external drive in iMovie '11 on Lion

Is there a way to use Live Photos in iMovie?