New posts in imagemagick

How can I use the `identify` command to find out *only* the file type?

ImageMagick no decode delegate

append images using a grid

Convert RGB to Grayscale in ImageMagick command-line

Use ImageMagick to compare Images

bundling precompiled binary into electron app

Problem installing ImageMagick 7 using IMEI

ImageMagick display WxH+x+y window

How to remove duplicate imagemagick icons

mogrify - how do you recurse through subfolders in Windows

Create a gif from the recent 10 images in a folder?

ImageMagick and OS X Lion trouble

ImageMagick: scale JPEG image with a maximum file-size

Installing Image Magick on Amazon EC2

How can I convert a folder of .pngs to .jpgs while setting the background color?

How to execute ImageMagick to convert only the first page of the multipage PDF to JPEG?

How do I crop an animated gif using ImageMagick?

ImageMagick: Error while running convert: convert: unable to read font

How to auto-trim scanned images using imagemagick or graphicsmagick?

How do I resize and pad an image to a given size using imagemagick?