New posts in image-processing

Tool for high picture compression with low loss of quality

How to add a border using Imagemagick

How can I convert a .jpg or .png image to .raw format?

Crop a specific region from a series of images

What software can display raw bitmaps on Linux?

Convert RGB to Black & White in OpenCV

How to get the real life size of an object from an image, when not knowing the distance between object and the camera?

NumPy/OpenCV 2: how do I crop non-rectangular region?

opencv multi channel element access

Automatic calculation of low and high thresholds for the Canny operation in opencv

Combining Two Images with OpenCV

How do I gaussian blur an image without using any in-built gaussian functions?

Resized/Rotated PNG image using ImageMagic is blury. How to sharpen?

concatenate two images one below the other

How do I remove the background from this kind of image?

ValueError: Error when checking target: expected model_2 to have shape (None, 252, 252, 1) but got array with shape (300, 128, 128, 3)

Can't import javax.imageio.ImageIO in Android application

Storing RTSP stream as video file with OpenCV VideoWriter

Codeigniter image resize?

Rotate an image in java