New posts in homology-cohomology

vector bundles on affine schemes

Is the Euler characteristic of $\mathbb{R}^n$ $1$ or $(-1)^n$?

What is the geometric intuition for the $\bar \partial$-Poincare lemma, or for $\bar \partial$ more generally?

Does de Rham theorem hold for manifolds with boundary?

cup product in cohomology ring of a suspension

Chain homotopy inverse to inclusion

Twisted Cech cohomology

Singular homology with coefficients in a ring versus in an abelian group

Computing the homology groups of the twice-punctured disk

What are cohomology rings good for?

For a graph $(G, V)$, $\# \text{edges}$ is given by the rank of $H_1(G, V)$.

Applications for Homology

Why are de Rham cohomology and Cech cohomology of the constant sheaf the same

Why group cohomology and not group homology?

Question about Singular Homology section in Hatcher

integral cohomology ring of real projective space

The "need" for cohomology theories

Linear action induced in homology of the $n$-dimensional torus

Torsion in the integral (co)homology of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces

Show $\mathbb{CP^2/CP^1}$ is not a retract of $\mathbb{CP^4/CP^1}$.