New posts in homology-cohomology

(Co)homology theory and electrical circuit

Detail in the proof that sheaf cohomology = singular cohomology

relative homology is the reduced homology of the quotient

What functor does $K(G, 1)$ represent for nonabelian $G$?

Intuition of non-free homology groups?

There are 2 homomorphisms: $f(x)=(4x,6x,2x)$ and $g(x,y,z)=(5x-5y+5z,10x-10y+10z)$. Find a group $\ker(g) /{\rm im}(f)$.

Thom isomorphism for generalized cohomology theories.

Why is (co)homology useful and in which way?

Godement Resolution don't see $\mathcal{O}_X$-module structure

Non-Universal Delta Functors

different definitions of Hopf algebras

Acyclic vs Exact

About the definition of Cech Cohomology

What's the point of spectra?

Definition of zeroth homology

Group cohomology versus deRham cohomology with twisted coefficients

Turning cobordism into a cohomology theory

Why is homology invariant under deformation retraction/homotopy equivalence?

Coefficients in homology

Homology groups of a Pokeball