New posts in hardware-failure

Help diagnosing a "freezing" problem

Do bad clusters on modern (as of 2020) SSD indicate hardware failure?

Beep-Codes definition for ASUS motherboard

Do SSD disks do not last as long with Windows XP as with other OS? [closed]

Do SSD's really last 285 years? [closed]

Refurbish partially failed hard drive?

Power Options: Turn off harddrive. Effective or dangerous?

Remove bad sectors on a hard disk in Windows 10

Why Laptops sometimes not shutting down when Lid closed? Red-hot laptop from bag, why?

RAM tests inconsistently - what is the most likely culprit? (i.e. what should I spend money on replacing)

How can I determine which underlying chip a wireless adapter uses?

Are all basic SATA drives equally reliable?

How to make smartd shut up about one particular offline uncorrectable sector?

USB drive unusable and reporting 0 bytes capacity [duplicate]

How can I test if a USB thumb drive is fake?

Screen occasionally flashes black

How to prevent programs (e.g. Process Monitor) from killing my SSD in 2 weeks?

How can I determine which RAM module is failing Memtest86?

How can I physically destroy data from a failed HDD?

When I hibernate or turn off/on my Windows 10 PC, the NIC stops working