New posts in gerund-phrases

Why is there no article before "key" in "key amongst them being ..."?

"I have you returning the car."

Is it ok to make an independent clause into a dependent one with a gerund verb?

Is "calling" a gerund in "calling bell"? [closed]

Is the -ing a participle in the sentence?

"He had me do this" vs "He had me doing this" vs "He had my doing this"

Should I modify a gerund using an adjective or an adverb?

Can I use "has" after being a noun? [closed]

Can the gerund clause take a personal pronoun as its subject in “It’s no use (his?) crying over lost love”?

Controversy over subject-verb agreement in this sentence

See this sentence "This is my last night working here"! What grammar structure is it? Reduced Relative Clause?

subordinate clause [duplicate]

In "Nobody was surprised at John being absent", is "being" a present participle modifying "John" or a gerund whose subject is "John"?

Should "gerund + objective" be modified by adjectives or adverbs?

Can a gerund be modified by an adjective?

What's correct: "I saw him eating" or "I saw his eating"? [duplicate]

Noun + Gerund Structure Differences [closed]

What is the grammatical role of *your* in "... by your being ..." phrases?

Making adult decisions "is" or "are" really not fun: Which is correct?