New posts in geometry

Parallelogram trigonometry

How to prove $\Delta DEF$ is an equilateral triangle?

ancient concepts and modern concepts

Interior Sphere Condition

Why is Volume^2 at most product of the 3 projections?

What are the formal terms for the intersection points of the geometric representation of the extended trigonometric functions?

How to determine whether a point (X,Y) is contained within an arc section of a circle (i.e. a Pie slice)?

Do planes in multi-dimensional spaces rarely interact?

Approximate area of overlap of two rotated rectangles

Minimum Size of Word Search Containing All Strings of Length $l$

Does the function $x \mapsto \sqrt{1-x^2}$ have a name?

A curious property of an acute triangle

Proving $\int_0^r{(r^m-x^m)^{1/m}dx}=\frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{m}+1\right)\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{m}+1\right)}{\Gamma\left(\frac{2}{m}+1\right)}r^2$

Can we find a function that finds the number of points inside a square centred on the origin?

Pythagoras Theorem Proof

the intersection of n disks/circles

Is there a general solution for the "Spider and the Fly Problem"?

Why does the "T=0" method to calculate tangent work?

Geometry of the Cayley Transform

Question on linear independence of particular vectors of $\mathbb{R}^8$