New posts in geometry

woodworker wanting to know formulas for odd shaped boxes

Expected time to completely cover a square with randomly placed smaller squares

How do you check for intersection between a line segment and a line ray emanating from a point at an angle from horizontal?

about a ninth-grade geometry problem

New Proof of Pythagorean Theorem (using inscribed circle)?

Alternate Characterization of Linearity

proportions of a perspective-deformed rectangle

How do you calculate the axis-aligned bounding box of an ellipse?

What would you see inside a spherical mirror?

Voronoi cell volume inside the ball

Implicit equation of a rotated ellipse

Covering points on a sphere with a disk

Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem via $\frac{d}{dx}\sin^2 x + \frac{d}{dx}\cos^2 x = 0$

Proof of parallel lines

find the point which has shortest sum of distance from all points?

In a nearest neighbors graph (with odd number of vertices) is it possible that no vertex has degree one? [closed]

Tetris Figures Problem

Regular polygons constructed inside regular polygons

Another chain of six circles

$6$ points in the interior of a square of side length $2$.