New posts in garbage-collection

How are String and Char types stored in memory in .NET?

Does WeakReference make a good cache?

Why does sys.getrefcount() return 2?

JavaScript(ES6) WeakMap garbage collection when set an object to null

Garbage Collection should have removed object but WeakReference.IsAlive still returning true

How to check heap usage of a running JVM from the command line?

Java and manually executing finalize

Java: How do you really force a GC using JVMTI's ForceGargabeCollection?

Guidelines For Dispose() and Ninject

Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)?

Can I trust PHP __destruct() method to be called?

How does garbage collection and scoping work in C#? [duplicate]

Circular References in Java

How detect and remove (during a session) unused @ViewScoped beans that can't be garbage collected

What do -XX:-PrintGC and XX:-PrintGCDetails flags do?

Does Python GC deal with reference-cycles like this?

HttpClientHandler / HttpClient Memory Leak

Java GC safepoint

Caching reflection data

Pause GC Error post android 4.4.2 upgrade