New posts in galois-theory

Abel-Ruffini theorem, Galois theory and minima and maxima

finding galois extension isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_4$ and $Q_8$

Irreducible factors of a polynomial in a Galois extension

Irreductible polynomial on a finite field of degree as large as wanted [duplicate]

Finding the $\mathbb{Q}$-automorphisms of the splitting field of $x^p-2$ over $\mathbb{Q}$.

Field extensions, inverse limits, notation and roots of unity

What are all the intermediate fields of $\mathbb{Q}\big(\sqrt{3+\sqrt{5}}\big)$ containing $\mathbb{Q}$?

Minimal polynomial of intermediate extensions under Galois extensions.

Is there a field extension $K / \Bbb Q$ such that $\text{Aut}_{\Bbb Q}(K) \cong \Bbb Z$?

What is the Galois group of sinus?

Deduce the degree of the extension $[\mathbb C:K]$ is countable and not finite

Recognizing when a tower of Galois extensions gives a Galois extension

Why do you need to introduce complex numbers in order to solve cubics by radicals?

Degree of the splitting field of $ x^3-5 $ over $\mathbb{Q}$

$K/E$, $E/F$ are separable field extensions $\implies$ $K/F $ is separable

Galois group of $x^6-2$ over $\Bbb Q$

Interview preparation for Ph.D admission

Show that every finite extension of $F$ is cyclic. [duplicate]

How to solve polynomials?

How to split a quartic into two quadratics?