New posts in freeze

Windows 10 startup suddently extremely slow (especially explorer and filesystem related stuff)

Hitachi DFT hangs - Causes and workarounds?

How to determine what happened and locate the problem when my system freezes?

ASP.NET site sometimes freezing up and/or showing odd text at top of the page while loading, on load balanced servers

Ubuntu 18.04 keeps freezing randomly after some time

Unresponsive file causes Windows Explorer to stop responding

Is the computer freezing due to high temperature?

18.04 freezes with a old laptop

What do I do when a program stops responding?

How can I fix a freezing Explorer?

How do I force a secure reboot?

Tortoise SVN appears to freeze Explorer

Computer not responding when creating a folder

My Samsung R480 laptop freezes for short and inconsistent periods of time

Visual Studio freezes or hangs on startup

My Ubuntu freezes everytime there's an update

Using async to sleep in a thread without freezing [closed]

How can I interrupt emacs opening a large file?

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS complete system freeze when watching YouTube videos

Super slow pc startup and continues freezing