New posts in formality

Use of "of course" in technical writing

"first time" as an adverb meaning "for the first time"

Is it appropriate to use 'eagerly' while ending a formal e-mail

How accepted is ‘f***ing’ in informal conversation?

More formal way to say "just in case"

Height and weight written out

Is there a word in English that essentially means "I" or "we" in formal context?

What does "a-" before a verb mean? [duplicate]

Formal alternative to "that'll do" [closed]

Formal way to say "I believe" [closed]

parallelism: the farther/the more [duplicate]

using "at your convenience" while asking a question?

Use of the 'bird' when referring to a young maiden [duplicate]

Is the word "selfie" formal enough to be used in official documents?

What can replace “consists of”?

Master to mister?

Is "bird's eye point of view" considered informal?

Is "sophisticated" appropriate in formal documents?

Is "Fellow" informal? If yes, what's a formal equivalent?

"Not so much" at the end of a sentence