New posts in fastcgi

FastCGI cache is always a MISS

how to add an open_basedir path in nginx vhost

FastCGI: comm with server ... aborted: idle timeout (30 sec)

Why does any .php page give me a 404 error on Server 2008 with IIS 7.0? [closed]

Performance of IIS+ASP.NET vs (NGINX + FastCGI + Mono or XSP)? [closed]

SCGI vs FastCGI - Which one is faster? [closed]

Lighttpd cannot create php-fastcgi.socket

munin + nginx: no dynazoom into graphs

Increasing 504 timeout error

Create FastCGI application with PowerShell

Redirect with lighttpd and fastcgi on Django App

FastCGI to improve TTFB when Using NGINX to reverse proxy?

Differences and uses between WSGI, CGI, FastCGI, and mod_python in regards to Python?

PHP-FPM and Nginx: 502 Bad Gateway

fastcgi cache how-to cache for logged-in users and make it custom for each user

nginx on fedora fastcgi not working

Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM + mod_fastcgi (Problems setting up PHP-FPM)

nginx: connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream

What Apache/PHP configurations do you know and how good are they?

Nginx - Enable PHP for all hosts