New posts in factorial

Find $\lim_{n \to \infty} \sqrt[n]{n!}$.

Is there an inverse to Stirling's approximation?

Factorial Inequality problem $\left(\frac n2\right)^n > n! > \left(\frac n3\right)^n$

How to find the factorial of a fraction?

Limit of $\frac{\log(n!)}{n\log(n)}$ as $n\to\infty$.

To find all $n$ such that $(n-1)!+1$ is a perfect power of $n$

Which is larger? $20!$ or $2^{40}$?

Is $\lfloor n!/e\rfloor$ always even for $n\in\mathbb N$?

$n!+1$ being a perfect square

Inductive Proof that $k!<k^k$, for $k\geq 2$.

$\sum k! = 1! +2! +3! + \cdots + n!$ ,is there a generic formula for this?

Derive a formula to find the number of trailing zeroes in $n!$ [duplicate]

On the factorial equations $A! B! =C!$ and $A!B!C! = D!$

Division of Factorials [binomal coefficients are integers]

Prove by induction that $n^2<n!$

Why is $i! = 0.498015668 - 0.154949828i$?

Inverse of a factorial

Derivative of a factorial

Factorial of a matrix: what could be the use of it?

Factorial, but with addition [duplicate]