New posts in ext4

Ubuntu on a USB stick - mount options to reduce writes

Journaled filesystems and power failure

Does CentOS 5.x support ext4?

between ex4 and XFS which is better for large small files [closed]

How to restore an ext4 filesystem

Understanding metadata usage behavior in a newly converted btrfs filesystem

backup drive: ext4 / FAT?

mkfs.ext4 error with option -O ^64bit

tmpfs vs. ext4 ramdisk

e2fsck extremely slow, although enough memory exists

Cheap/fast deduplication with hardlinks?

Ubuntu 20.04 boots to black screen which says /dev/nv*******: clean, 508***/650**** files, 247*****/260******* blocks

Does increasing the journal size improve performance for ext4 filesystems?

upgrading ext3 fs on ubuntu 8.04

Can't resize2fs - combination of flex_bg and !resize_inode

Disk (EXT4) suddenly empty without any sign of why

When cloning ext4 partition with the "dd" command to a bigger partition free space doesn't increase [duplicate]

What does the mkfs.ext4 -G option do?

Why are the sizes of 2 directories different if the data within the directories is identical? They are identical ext4 partitions and disks

Extract an ext4 filesystem image *without root access*