New posts in ext4

How can i fix it: EXT4-fs warning (device sda3): ext4_dx_add_entry: Directory index full

Estimating the time needed for a resize2fs shrink

Is ext4 more expensive than ntfs?

Can't repair ext4 partition after power outage, e2fsck keeps crashing, can't find out what is wrong?

How can I check if a particular partition ext4 is journaled?

How can I compact the VHD file with Ubuntu?

Can I make the system reserve for partitions smaller?

Multiple partitions for an external USB hard drive used by Linux and Windows

Ext4 usage and performance

How to make a drive NTFS from EXT4?

Ubuntu server ext4 hitting 65000 subdirectory limit

Mounting ddrescue image after recovery (in over my head)

How could I mount an ext4 partition and have write permission?

How do I create an encrypted filesystem inside a file?

Is ext4 ready for a production usage?

How do I read the Ext4 partition of my SD card on Windows? [duplicate]

How does the number of subdirectories impact drive read / write performance on Linux?

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Server makes system locks up at random intervals (i7 930; 12GB RAM)

GParted merge unallocated space to ext4 partition [duplicate]

How to mount ext4 partition?