New posts in expression-requests

Opposite of "Squeaky wheel gets the grease"

Describe that someone’s explanation matches your knowledge level

Plural of "I am nobody important" i.e. "we are <nobody/nobodies> important"

A word for blowing air onto baby's tummy to make him (her) laugh

Is there a word for turning something into a competition?

Idiom or expression request that would convey same meaning as this Persian set phrase " simple yet impossible to imitate"

Is there a word for the coronation of a king who won his crown by reunifying the country, but is not the heir apparent? [closed]

Is there an English equivalent to "get rid of the goat"?

Making a small 'optimization' which instead actually leads to disaster


English equivalent for "Worm that lives in poison."

What do you call the university or school people graduated from in one word or phrase?

An idiomatic phrase meaning that you are aware of a coming change based on minor signals you've observed over time

How to idiomatically express the idea "if you can cheat without being caught, do it"

A phrase that basically means 'change your mind a second time to go back to your original idea'

What is the word or phrase to describe the action of pursing one's lips in a tight rounded shape in a happy mood?

Idiom for the phrase "someone who gets what he deserved"

What emotion is the 'Mad Scientist' showing when they say "I'll show them all!"

A word for “the shelves of candies or mints next to the checkout desk of a supermarket”

Is there any equivalent for this Persian idiom: "Like a cow with a white forehead"?