New posts in epithet-requests

Is there a word or phrase for someone who strongly disapproves of smoking, drinking and gambling?

What is a word for a man who has a lot of sexual relationships?

Someone whose aspirations exceed abilities or means

A word for someone who gets scared easily

Synonym for not taking personal responsibility

Is there a word for a person who doesn't think the rules apply to him?

What is the term for a person who doesn't waste time?

Someone who buys a lot of books but barely reads them

Words to describe a person who frequently asks questions even though they know the answer

A stronger word than "snob"

What is a word for a person who throws a "fake smile"?

Noun for people/employees/coworkers who tend to say "it's not my job" when asked to do something slightly beyond their norm?

Someone who just thinks they know what they're talking about

What is a word or phrase for someone who professes to know something but actually doesn't?

A word for: someone who is easy to talk to

Idiom for a person who is above any question

How to communicate the idea of a "brown-noser" without the vulgar connotations?

Is there a word for someone who you've not physically met but know well?

Single-word synonym for a “pedantic rule-follower”?

What do you call a person who is always noisy on the Internet?