New posts in dungeon-crawl-stone-soup

What does "+1 sword" or "-3 ring" mean?

How can I tell when I make an offhand punch attack?

How do I control teleport control?

How can I view a full description of god's power?

Where can I check spell hunger for my spells?

Stats required to use various pieces of equipment?

What is a viable character build for using a whip?

How do I gain piety with Okawaru?

Does Evocations affect attacking with a polearm?

Is it possible to chop down trees?

What should I do if I want to use magic with armor on?

Should I keep good items I cannot/will not use?

What happens when you grow claws while wearing cursed gloves?

Can I disable ghosts?

In Dungeon Crawl, should I move enchanted items to a cleared level so that monsters can't get them?

Altars for certain gods missing from Ecumenical Temple?

What's going on when it looks like a 6-damage attack knocked out 29 HP and killed me?

How much should I train Armour if I plan on mostly relying on Dodging?

How to drink from a fountain?

What is the best way to identify consumables?