New posts in diophantine-equations

What are the integer solutions to $a^{b^2} = b^a$ with $a, b \ge 2$

A very different property of primitive Pythagorean triplets: Can number be in more than two of them?

Integer $x$ for which $x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1$ is perfect square.

Can $\operatorname{Re}(a+bi)^{n}$ be overlapped with $a,b\in\mathbb{Z}$ fixed?

Proof that $26$ is the one and only number between square and cube

How to find integer solutions to $M^2=5N^2+2N+1$?

What is the simplest ellipse that goes through exactly 13 lattice points?

Integer solutions to $x^3=y^3+2y+1$?

Whenever Pell's equation proof is solvable, it has infinitely many solutions

Number of solutions for $\frac{1}{X} + \frac{1}{Y} = \frac{1}{N!}$ where $1 \leq N \leq 10^6$

For what value of m that the equation $y^2 = x^3 + m$ has no integral solutions? [closed]

Pythagorean triplets of the form $a^2+(a+1)^2=c^2$ and the space between them

Find all integral solutions to $a+b+c=abc$. [duplicate]

Solve the Diophantine equation $ 3x^2 - 2y^2 =1 $

Solutions of $p!q! = r!$

Integer solutions of $x! = y! + z!$

Three variable, third degree Diophantine equation

Find a thousand natural numbers such that their sum equals their product

The Diophantine equation $x^2 + 2 = y^3$ [duplicate]

Rational solutions of Pell's equation