New posts in debian

xbindkeys to remap extra mouse buttons

Compute a list of difference between packages installed on two hosts

How to reset sysctl to it's OS defaults?

I have 23 Web Servers - I need to wipe all the servers - without loss of service on any sites hosted across them

How do I pipe commands together in a debian preseed file?

Update openssl in debian squeeze

How to remote linux desktop with audio support

How to allow 6to4 through iptables firewall?

What does auditd log by default (i.e. when no rules are defined?)

VSFTPD and Implicit SSL

Postfix sends to FQDN Hostname instead of Domain Name

Using software-RAID vs "firmware"-RAID (a.k.a. FakeRAID) [closed]

Correct usage of /srv on debian systems package reports missing only on EC2

How to persist ethtool settings through reboot on debian 8

Default arp cache timeout

nmap on my webserver shows TCP ports 554 and 7070 open

apache2ctl: 87: ulimit: error setting limit (Operation not permitted)

Debian 6.0 AD integration

How can I display the list of all packages installed on my Debian system?