New posts in cross-product

Is there a relationship between the cross product and quaternion multiplication?

Visual Ways to Remember Cross products of Unit vectors? Cross-product in $\mathbb F^3$?

Wedge Product, A Novel Interpretation or Just Plain Wrong?

Is there a deeper meaning behind the "determinant" formula for the cross product?

Area of a parallelogram, vertices $(-1,-1), (4,1), (5,3), (10,5)$.

The proof of Triple Vector Products [duplicate]

Do four dimensional vectors have a cross product property? [duplicate]

Octonionic formula for the ternary eight-dimensional cross product

Does SO(3) preserve the cross product?

$\vec{a} \cdot (\vec{b} \times \vec{c}) = \vec{b} \cdot ( \vec{c} \times \vec{a})$?

Deriving BAC-CAB from differential forms

Motivation for construction of cross-product (Quaternions?)

Why is the matrix-defined Cross Product of two 3D vectors always orthogonal?

How can a Cross-Product give a vector solutions is missing [closed]

Rotational invariance of cross product

Is the seven-dimensional cross product unique?

Understanding the definition of the cross product

Cross product in complex vector spaces

Is the cross product of two unit vectors itself a unit vector?

Is a function that preserves the cross product necessarily linear in $\mathbb R^3$? $f(a) \times f(b) = a \times b$ [closed]