New posts in coordinate-systems

One-point perspective formula

Is there a coordinate system where a point is defined with two angles?

How to make sense of complex coordinates on manifolds?

How to transform a Laplacian operator from (x,y) coordinate system to polar system?

How to change coordinates of a vectorfield $X$ on $\mathbb{R}P^2$

Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates

Extrinsic and intrinsic Euler angles to rotation matrix and back

Can we find a function that finds the number of points inside a square centred on the origin?

Show that the change of variables transforms a linear system

Questions about a linear PDE

Can anyone explain this? Why the derivative with $x$ don't have lambda?

Difference between the Jacobian matrix and the metric tensor

Cone in spherical coordinates after rotation

What is the cross product in spherical coordinates?

Are the x,y and row, col attributes of a two-dimensional array backwards?

Don't understand how to use jacobian for transformation of coordinates

Shifting of origin

Definition of a Cartesian coordinate system

how to change polar coordinate into cartesian coordinate using transformation matrix

How to draw lines in Java