New posts in controllers

Does the Xbox One Afterglow controller use the same conductive rubber button contacts as the regular Xbox One controller?

How do I fix my Rock Band guitar?

Can the Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit cable charge regular Ni-MH batteries in the controller?

What controllers can you use on Minecraft for Wii-U

How do I turn off the controller vibration?

Guitar Hero Live controller issue on pc

How do I prevent my fingers from hurting when playing fighting games with a gamepad?

DualShock 4 controller won't connect to my PS4 [duplicate]

How to disable Xbox 360 "click for help" banner on Windows 10

Can I use a PC/PS3 game controller to play games on Steam?

PDP Afterglow controller for xb1 mic issue

PS4 controllers not working [duplicate]

Cannot use Witcher Senses on XBox One Elite Controller

How do you assist target with a controller in FFXIV?

Ps3 controller issue

Can I disable the Steam Community notification in Big Picture Mode with PS4 controller playing Diablo 2

Do some Wii games require a Classic Controller?

A good way to teach someone to use both the WASD and the mouse efficiently?

How can I use a Rock Candy Xbox 360 controller on 64-bit Windows 10?

Xbox 360 controller axis doesn't go back to zero (or center)?