New posts in continuous-aspect

What verb construction would you use?

Using stative verb "want" in progressive

This year has been being great?

Present perfect continuous

How to use Present Perfect Continuous in Passive form?

"You'll be hoping for a bit more from the new player, I suppose." Why the future continuous?

Can the continuous form be combined with the passive voice?

Is "I am running" or "I run" grammatical to say while running?

"Why are you asking?" versus "Why do you ask?"

Difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous [duplicate]

I often use "is being" and "are being" in my sentences. Is it correct grammatically?

"I am tired and doing my homework." Is it grammatically correct?

"they had renovated" vs "had been renovating"

Stative verbs in the continuous form?

Do the -ing and to-infinitive "verbs" that follow catenative verbs always take the grammatical function of "noun"?

We didn't know what to do, so we did nothing/ were doing nothing [closed]

the entire film/book

Can you help with the difference in these past perfect tenses?