New posts in constants

$\pi^4 + \pi^5 \approx e^6$ is anything special going on here?

typedef pointer const weirdness

Verilog vector inner product

How to select multiple rows filled with constants?

Why does the behavior of the Integer constant pool change at 127?

What is the use of interface constants?

Declare a constant array

Constant pointer vs Pointer to constant [duplicate]

Can a const variable be used to declare the size of an array in C?

Difference between char* and const char*?

Const before or const after?

Ruby on Rails: Where to define global constants?

How can I specify a [DllImport] path at runtime?

List of integrals or series for Gieseking's constant $\rm{Cl}_2\big(\tfrac{\pi}3\big)$?

Are string literals const?

How can I get a resource content from a static context?

Constants in Kotlin -- what's a recommended way to create them?

Proper use of const for defining functions

On the Paris constant and $\sqrt[k]{1+\sqrt[k]{1+\sqrt[k]{1+\sqrt[k]{1+\dots}}}}$?

Vba global variable declaration